We did the "Green" division which consisted of Intro Test C for dressage, a 2' show jumping course with lots of oxers and filler, and max 2'3" XC fences. He was definitely more calm at this show but because he and Boo where in back-to-back divisions it got very hectic very quickly.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Like a BOSS
That's right, Reily is a BAMF! Want to know why? Because he completed his first Horse Trials yesterday!!! Yaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!
We did the "Green" division which consisted of Intro Test C for dressage, a 2' show jumping course with lots of oxers and filler, and max 2'3" XC fences. He was definitely more calm at this show but because he and Boo where in back-to-back divisions it got very hectic very quickly.
He warmed up decently for dressage, we're still not to the point where he'll accept steady, consistent contact but I was happy he would take a few strides on the bit, then his head would go up and his nose would go out, then he'd come back down and take contact, and so on. But I felt like he was as calm and forward as I was going to get him for his second show and felt good about where he was at mentally when we stepped into the ring. Our first halt was much better than last time, I saluted and we trotted off to C tracking right, and just as I'm turning the corner... "LOOSE HORSE! LOOSE HORSE! Heads up at the dressage rings, loose horse headed your way!!!". I was concentrating so hard on his test I was confused why everyone was screaming, including the judge who got out of her car and was frantically screaming at me to halt. Chill peeps, Reily and I got this, we ride in the field at home all the time with the other boys running around loose, he's not going to gallop away with me. Well the renegade did come straight down to the dressage rings and was trotting around enjoying his freedom outside the arena fence, but Reily just stared and then we walked around in little circles until the little Houdini found his barn buddy and was caught. Good news is, Reily kept his head like an old pro. Bad news, it COMPLETELY broke our concentration and though I (thankfully) remembered his test when we were allowed to start again, I just couldn't regain his attention the way I'd had it before. So our test left much to be desired, but I don't blame him for that. This is horses, sh*t is gonna happen, it just by chance happened during our test, no reason to really sweat it.
The weather was nice but threatening rain all day and, go figure, it held off until right before Reily's stadium round. That was really inopportune because the stadium warm up was on turf with rather long grass and it got slippery pretty quick. Reily only has front shoes right now and no stud holes, not that I have any studs to use anyways, but it just made for a less confidence building warm up because he was having a hard time keeping his feet under him. The actual show jumping course was in an arena with all-weather footing so I was glad for that at least. We went in and had a decent round. Unfortunately I didn't use enough leg and he wasn't entirely paying attention so we had a refusal at fence two and when we came back around we got there funny and pulled a rail. Otherwise his round was good. He was definitely a little strong but I think it was mostly the atmosphere causing that.
The rain had slowed almost to a stop by the time we walked out to XC and luckily I knew that BREA had just cut the grass on the various XC paths so I felt more confident about the footing not being too slippery for him out there. He was raring to go and even though it was really a rather long track, even for his level, the optimum time was VERY generous, almost even excessive. We trotted a bit cantered most of it and by the time I was one away from home we still had about 1min 30secs left so I actually walked him down the steepest hill to the final jump so I knew we wouldn't slip any going down and to give him a little breather too. Unfortunately, I'm obviously no Buck "Runs 11 Horses Each Weekend" Davidson out of shape because after riding 3 exhasting phases on Boo and 2 slightly less exhausting phases on Reily my legs were tired as crap and I was just sort of on autopilot, enjoying the breeze and not paying attention and Reily, surprisingly, ran out on the 3rd jump from home. He wasn't scared he was just checking to make sure I was still awake up there... I wasn't :( It was totally my fault but I was definitely caught off guard. But hey, there's no day dreaming allowed, especially on XC, no matter how trustworthy the horse. Touche Reily, touche. Other than that silly mistake XC was great. Almost all of his fences were just little logs and I think there might have been one mulch mound and a tiny little baby hanging log with a fake ditch underneath. All very straightforward and inviting fences. A perfect introduction to the joy of HTs :)
We did the "Green" division which consisted of Intro Test C for dressage, a 2' show jumping course with lots of oxers and filler, and max 2'3" XC fences. He was definitely more calm at this show but because he and Boo where in back-to-back divisions it got very hectic very quickly.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
My little boy’s growing up!
So we’ve been riding a lot lately but I just haven’t had anything super significant to write about so pardon our absence. Tax season is ALMOST over, so soon I’ll be able to do an awful lot more with my boys and this blog, just bear with us a few more weeks!
Though tax season can pretty much kiss my butt, my boss was at least willing to let me off of my mandatory half day on Saturday morning as long as I made up the 4 hours Saturday night or Sunday, so I got to take Reily and Boo to their first show of the season, and Reily’s first show EVER!! If you’re reading this you probably already knew about it because I’ve been blabbering about how excited I was to anyone who would listen (and even to some who wouldn’t!) for weeks, I know, I’m shameless. But I was just so EXCITED! Reily’s first ever show, what could even be any more exciting?! Exactly J
Well I had Reily entered in the tiniest Combined Test (CT) division they offer and that’s “Cross Rails”. A CT consists of a dressage test and either a stadium jumping round or a cross country run, but not both or it would be considered a Horse Trials (HT) when all three phases are present. Dressage consists of a preset test for each division where the horse and rider must perform a pattern of movements and actions at certain parts of the ring for a judge who scores each movement from 1-10 where 1 is not completed and 10 is perfect. The second phase for this particular CT was stadium jumping. His CT was made up of dressage test “Intro A”, a simple little walk/trot test, and a stadium jumping course of 7 fences which were all cross rails of 18” or less. Boo was in the CT division called “Beginner Novice” with a walk/trot/canter test and stadium height of 2’6”.
Well thanks to Boo being a butt and running off up the driveway this morning (because he didn’t want to get on the trailer) we were running a wee bit behind and Reily was scheduled to be the 3rd horse in dressage so his test was at 8:12. I was totally baffled when we pulled into the horse park at least 15 minutes behind schedule only to find that we were the first people there! The only other people on the grounds were the show secretary and her daughter. So we got the boys off the trailer and tied them up and I went over to check in and pick up their numbers and papers. Reily stomped a superb half circle into the grass as we got tacked up, and I fully admit I was a little bummed that he was already so anxious when there were only a few trailers trickling in and unloading. Such is life.
I was still memorizing the correct movements for his test as we warmed up for dressage when the secretary came over the loud speaker saying one of the first two horses had some issues so now I was essentially being bumped up. That was irritating but I knew I had until my originally scheduled time so we just kept warming up. He wasn’t calming down much so we ended up in the ring 2 minutes early anyways and got through his test, with lot of tension, without any errors (yay, I remembered his pattern correctly!) but it took us an unfortunate 3 tries to get a true halt, and even then it was less then straight since his little booty swung out to the right once we got all four feet stopped. We left the ring more relaxed then we entered it and that’s really all I could ask for his first time!
After a quick course walk of the jump course for both Reily and Boo we switched his tack and warmed him up for a few minutes on the flat then over some tiny cross rails before entering the ring for his first ever jumping round. I know I’m biased but I think the video that my boyfriend got of his round is by far one of the absolute cutest things I’ve ever seen! Decide for yourself (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dfZ8le2eCg). Even though we took off quite long at jump 5 (the yellow jump) I love that he made his own decision there! As an event horse I want him to be brave and bold enough to think for himself because we’ll get to jumps funny sometimes and I love that he was confident enough to say “hey I’m pretty close too this and too close to feel comfortable putting in another stride, we’ll just jump it from here” then continue on unfazed! The last jump had some brick walls out beside the standards that were supposed to go in later for the Novice divisions but for his division had been placed out to the sides of the jump almost like wings. He got rather distracted looking at the walls for a second and got quite close the cross rail before he was paying attention again but got over it fine. Considering he could walk over it I wasn’t concerned. It was more cute because after he finished I wanted him to canter (which we did but on the wrong lead) just to get used to ending that way and as we were finishing that canter circle he was dragging me back toward the last cross rail like “I’m sorry I was looking at the other things, I got it this time, lets jump it again, I’ll show you!” but we would have gotten eliminated for jumping it again after our round was over so I had to pull him right to make sure we didn’t do that. He finished the day getting to take home his first ever ribbon (6th) and was a very happy camper. So proud of my 3yo gangly little (big) baby!!
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