How do you want to finish that? There are several options.
The Thoroughbred of Transportation
The Thoroughbred of Safety
The Thoroughbred of ...
I'm sure there are more, I just can't think of them right now.
I got the job offer from Norfolk Southern Corporation (aka "The Railroad" as it's none here in the 'Noke) back before Thanksgiving and I started the first week of December.
I really do like it at NS! Even though the RR is a breed all it's own and there's a billion weird rules to learn dealing with a unionized company, the people are great!! I work in one of the two Payroll departments and I just love my co-workers. Everyone is uber friendly, super helpful when I have a question, and even though I feared that I would be bored out of my mind because I wouldn't have much to do they always found some lingering project that I could work on when my normal job duties were sparse. The most randomly fun thing about working for NS though... everyone knows what a TB is! So when people find out I have horses and they ask what kind I can say 2 are TBs and everyone is like, "Wow that's so cool! You were meant to work here!" rather than, "What's that mean? Does that mean it's a pure bred horse?".
However, I find it both comical and ironic that NS brands itself with the TB in its logo and all of it's "statements" and I'll explain why:
1) Calling itself the TB of transportation is a total oxymoron. One of our trains, on average, can move 1 ton (that's 2,000 lbs) of freight over 436 miles on a single gallon of fuel. In contrast, it seems like an average TB can burn an outrageous number of calories just walking around the field so you constantly have to feed them a much higher concentrate ration than other horses.
2) As evidenced by my dear boy Reily, TBs are a far cry from the safest creatures on the planet. Horses in general are self destructive and TBs in particular, with their athletic drive, slim figure and thin skin they seem to constantly be on the mend from one issue or another. Not to mention, with TBs like Boo, well he just has half a brain or something and is always spooking or bucking or kicking, etc. and if I was on a train that pulls something similar to his stunts, lets just say I wouldn't be here to write this now.
But I'm loving my new job, despite the fact that they have no idea what an actual Thoroughbred is like.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Scratch that... try again
Yeahhhhh, about that whole small paddock deal. Napoleon refused to stay in and the little bastard is so fuzzy that he can run straight through the bottom strand of fence and won't hardly feel a thing. Of course, with Napoleon's complete rejection of the idea of being confined to a small area with him, Reily was dejected and pissy and paced worse than ever. I had to put him back in the stall last night and today when I got home I decided to just bite the bullet, change his bandage, put him in brushing boots and turn him out in the little field with everyone else. I walked him out there with a chain over his nose and kept him on it for the first 10 minutes and he was acting, comparatively, controlled so I finally let him go.
Envision this: Complete Thoroughbred Retardation Episode.
Yep, he spent the next 5 minutes being the biggest idiot alive. Once he got it out of his system though he was more or less calm. We'll monitor him for the next several weeks but he has yet to take a lame step (in any gait).
But it's my birthday so I'm hoping Reily's present to me is that he'll heal up quick and we can get him back to work! He's a total poo without a job to do!
Envision this: Complete Thoroughbred Retardation Episode.
Yep, he spent the next 5 minutes being the biggest idiot alive. Once he got it out of his system though he was more or less calm. We'll monitor him for the next several weeks but he has yet to take a lame step (in any gait).
But it's my birthday so I'm hoping Reily's present to me is that he'll heal up quick and we can get him back to work! He's a total poo without a job to do!
Monday, January 21, 2013
The fire breathing dragon
It's been just over 1 week on stall rest and Reily has turned into a total fire breathing dragon. I'm ready to kill him. He paces, he's crapped in his water more than once, he screams, he refuses to stand still while I'm trying to cold hose and half the time he almost knees me in the head while I'm trying to put on the DMSO and/or wraps. Honestly, without turnout, I have no idea how they even contained him when he was at the track!
Sunday night when I got home from the BREA Annual Awards Banquet (where Reily got a 3rd, well done you big butt head) I decided to create a little tiny paddock for him the same as I did for Napoleon when he was finally allowed to get turned out. I thought it might keep him calm and make him more happy to graze right across the fence from him buddies rather than have to go straight back in the stall afterwards. So we get done hosing his leg (during which time he turned over the wheelbarrow and dumped the hay in the water, asshole) I put on the DMSO and turned him out in this tiny paddock. He immediately went to mowing and was being super quiet and well behaved the whole 10 mins I spent watching him before I would walk away. Well he was acting trustworthy so I gathered up all the stuff and headed to the tack room to get his standing wraps so I could put them on while he grazed. I hadn't gotten more than 50 feet from him and behind me I hear running hooves, snapping wire, and then a herd of running horses. That son of a bitch promptly took off, broke out snapping the T-post in the process and galloped up the driveway with Boo, Scotty and Napoleon in confused pursuit inside the fence. I've never hated him so much before.
I walked half way up the driveway then waited for him to turn around and come back down because I knew he wouldn't stay that far away from all the other horses for long and they were all too lazy to go much farther than the corner gate. Usually standing in their path, yelling, and waving my arms is enough to remind them that the longer they act retarded the more trouble they'll be in. Nope, this little bastard just kept on coming and would have plowed me down if I hadn't jumped out of the way at the last second. Then he proceeded to gallop back down to the yard and trying to figure out how to get in the field with everyone else he ran through the wire on the other side of the paddock I'd put up and trapped himself inbetween the car port and field. Haha, you moron, there's only one way out and that was coming straight to me. Needless to say he got a royal screamfest. I could have shot him I was so pissed. After everything I've been doing to try and make sure this thing heals correctly and as quick as possible so he can get back to being turned out like he wants to, this is seriously how you re-pay me?! I get up at 5am to take care of him before work and spend my entire evening taking care of him after work, I have no life other than treating this right now and this is how he reacts. I hate horses some times.
And you know what's more ridiculous? Through all of this, he never took even one lame step. By last Friday all the heat in the splint was already gone and he was completely none reactive to palpation. After those excapades there was some heat in both the splint and the tendon in that leg. Thanks a lot you dumb fuck, way to try and hurt yourself even worse.
I talked to the vet this morning and told her I was either going to have to sedate him or figure something else out because he's getting completely unmanagable. She agreed that if he's this awful it'd be better to turn him out in a small field with some leg protection and maybe with just Napoleon so he's less encouraged to run. So all the boys will be in the little field with Reily in the stall until this super cold weather blows through then we'll try and fence off a smaller portion of the field for Reily and Napoleon to spend some time in together. Ugggghhhhh.
Sunday night when I got home from the BREA Annual Awards Banquet (where Reily got a 3rd, well done you big butt head) I decided to create a little tiny paddock for him the same as I did for Napoleon when he was finally allowed to get turned out. I thought it might keep him calm and make him more happy to graze right across the fence from him buddies rather than have to go straight back in the stall afterwards. So we get done hosing his leg (during which time he turned over the wheelbarrow and dumped the hay in the water, asshole) I put on the DMSO and turned him out in this tiny paddock. He immediately went to mowing and was being super quiet and well behaved the whole 10 mins I spent watching him before I would walk away. Well he was acting trustworthy so I gathered up all the stuff and headed to the tack room to get his standing wraps so I could put them on while he grazed. I hadn't gotten more than 50 feet from him and behind me I hear running hooves, snapping wire, and then a herd of running horses. That son of a bitch promptly took off, broke out snapping the T-post in the process and galloped up the driveway with Boo, Scotty and Napoleon in confused pursuit inside the fence. I've never hated him so much before.
I walked half way up the driveway then waited for him to turn around and come back down because I knew he wouldn't stay that far away from all the other horses for long and they were all too lazy to go much farther than the corner gate. Usually standing in their path, yelling, and waving my arms is enough to remind them that the longer they act retarded the more trouble they'll be in. Nope, this little bastard just kept on coming and would have plowed me down if I hadn't jumped out of the way at the last second. Then he proceeded to gallop back down to the yard and trying to figure out how to get in the field with everyone else he ran through the wire on the other side of the paddock I'd put up and trapped himself inbetween the car port and field. Haha, you moron, there's only one way out and that was coming straight to me. Needless to say he got a royal screamfest. I could have shot him I was so pissed. After everything I've been doing to try and make sure this thing heals correctly and as quick as possible so he can get back to being turned out like he wants to, this is seriously how you re-pay me?! I get up at 5am to take care of him before work and spend my entire evening taking care of him after work, I have no life other than treating this right now and this is how he reacts. I hate horses some times.
And you know what's more ridiculous? Through all of this, he never took even one lame step. By last Friday all the heat in the splint was already gone and he was completely none reactive to palpation. After those excapades there was some heat in both the splint and the tendon in that leg. Thanks a lot you dumb fuck, way to try and hurt yourself even worse.
I talked to the vet this morning and told her I was either going to have to sedate him or figure something else out because he's getting completely unmanagable. She agreed that if he's this awful it'd be better to turn him out in a small field with some leg protection and maybe with just Napoleon so he's less encouraged to run. So all the boys will be in the little field with Reily in the stall until this super cold weather blows through then we'll try and fence off a smaller portion of the field for Reily and Napoleon to spend some time in together. Ugggghhhhh.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Pop goes the...splint bone
I turned Reily out in the field when we got back and he was just dandy. Happy to be back with his buddies and be home.
I went out to feed Scotty and throw out more hay around 6pm and I heard Boo and Reily galloping around in the dark. It's super muddy out but I didn't think much of it at the time, they run around like that all the time and never really care how slippery or dry it is.
Well when I went out to feed them dinner around 9pm I walked up to Reily and immediately saw a lump on his inside, right fore just above the middle of his cannon bone and my heart sank. I've never personally dealt with a popped splint before but I know enough about horse care to recognize one when I see it. I took him out of the field and felt it. It was warm to hot, felt hard and he was just a little sensitive to palpation. He hasn't taken a single off-step and it's only between the size of a quarter to a half dollar, so not massive. I think it's a pretty minor strain but the vet's recommending 3-4 weeks stall rest, then another 2-4 weeks in a small paddock. Along with that a couple grams of bute the first few days and an application of DMSO/Furizone 2x/day with standing wraps half the day. The vet said he probaby just slipped in the mud and over extended just a little bit and that's likely what caused it.
He's never going to make it for 4 weeks in a stall, so we'll see how this goes. But he'll be off riding for about 2 months :'(
This sucks.
I turned Reily out in the field when we got back and he was just dandy. Happy to be back with his buddies and be home.
I went out to feed Scotty and throw out more hay around 6pm and I heard Boo and Reily galloping around in the dark. It's super muddy out but I didn't think much of it at the time, they run around like that all the time and never really care how slippery or dry it is.
Well when I went out to feed them dinner around 9pm I walked up to Reily and immediately saw a lump on his inside, right fore just above the middle of his cannon bone and my heart sank. I've never personally dealt with a popped splint before but I know enough about horse care to recognize one when I see it. I took him out of the field and felt it. It was warm to hot, felt hard and he was just a little sensitive to palpation. He hasn't taken a single off-step and it's only between the size of a quarter to a half dollar, so not massive. I think it's a pretty minor strain but the vet's recommending 3-4 weeks stall rest, then another 2-4 weeks in a small paddock. Along with that a couple grams of bute the first few days and an application of DMSO/Furizone 2x/day with standing wraps half the day. The vet said he probaby just slipped in the mud and over extended just a little bit and that's likely what caused it.
He's never going to make it for 4 weeks in a stall, so we'll see how this goes. But he'll be off riding for about 2 months :'(
This sucks.
The big, bad indoor
Reily went to his first indoor show today! The VA Horse Center has a great little schooling series during the winter months called "The Polar Bear Series". Fortunately it's indoors so even if it's rainy, windy, etc. you're in shelter. The bad news, it's a hunter show which Reily's really never experienced and the commotion was almost enough to just BLOW. HIS. MIND.
Poor little fella has gotten spoiled doing eventing where we only have a handful or so of people warming up at the same time for dressage (and the rings are usually quite large providing plenty of space to maneuver around) or show jumping (which much of the time is in a wide open jump field allowing us plenty of freedom to avoid/be avoided by others). Well let me tell you right now, he wasn't really nervous about being indoors even though I'm sure it was a lot to look at because the warm-up ring is lined with stalls so there is a lot going on right over the railing. However, he was super anxious about having 20-25 horses and ponies all cantering every direction and weaving in and out of lines around the jump standards. Add to that the fact that other people were cutting in front of him to jumps and landing directly on his ass after jumps and it made for a rather shocking experience. I got him around everything (not that it's ever the jumps that are the problem) but the environment was just completely overwhelming. If we go back for anymore of these shows we'll forgo schooling ahead of time. It was a good learning experience for him, but I think he'll be much more relaxed if we avoid the chaos of the schooling ring.
So we were in the first 3 classes, 2 hunter over fences courses at 2'3" and the division hack class. He was still pretty on edge for his first course, I didn't want to just hang on his mouth but he wasn't listening to my half halts very well (a theme that got progressively worse throughout the day) so it was difficult to keep him from rushing through the whole thing. We essentially did the hunter round at jumper pace. I was happy that he got most of his lead changes though and we got half-way decent distances to most of his fences. That single-diagonal we kept getting at long but I think a lot of our problem there was because he wasn't listening well so I just didn't have the adjustibility with him in that state of mind.
Hopefully we can do lots more stuff like this soon :)
Poor little fella has gotten spoiled doing eventing where we only have a handful or so of people warming up at the same time for dressage (and the rings are usually quite large providing plenty of space to maneuver around) or show jumping (which much of the time is in a wide open jump field allowing us plenty of freedom to avoid/be avoided by others). Well let me tell you right now, he wasn't really nervous about being indoors even though I'm sure it was a lot to look at because the warm-up ring is lined with stalls so there is a lot going on right over the railing. However, he was super anxious about having 20-25 horses and ponies all cantering every direction and weaving in and out of lines around the jump standards. Add to that the fact that other people were cutting in front of him to jumps and landing directly on his ass after jumps and it made for a rather shocking experience. I got him around everything (not that it's ever the jumps that are the problem) but the environment was just completely overwhelming. If we go back for anymore of these shows we'll forgo schooling ahead of time. It was a good learning experience for him, but I think he'll be much more relaxed if we avoid the chaos of the schooling ring.
So we were in the first 3 classes, 2 hunter over fences courses at 2'3" and the division hack class. He was still pretty on edge for his first course, I didn't want to just hang on his mouth but he wasn't listening to my half halts very well (a theme that got progressively worse throughout the day) so it was difficult to keep him from rushing through the whole thing. We essentially did the hunter round at jumper pace. I was happy that he got most of his lead changes though and we got half-way decent distances to most of his fences. That single-diagonal we kept getting at long but I think a lot of our problem there was because he wasn't listening well so I just didn't have the adjustibility with him in that state of mind.
We walked around during a couple other people's trips then went back in for our second trip. I honestly couldn't tell you if it was better or worse then the first. He was a little bit less quick but worse about listening to my half halts. We completely missed the lead from the near outside line to the diagonal single because he was so strong I couldn't get him back to a trot for a simple change so, oh well. Again it was really quick and probably looked completely out of control, but honestly I'd still rather try and bring him down to a calm state of mind than have to beat him around the course like I would have to with Boo. Mainly he just needs miles and experiences like this so that he won't feel so nervous in the first place, because for Reily, his first reaction when he gets nervous is to get this huge stride and go quick. In time that'll all be old news and then he'll be back to his wonderful self.
Since we had over an hour before our hack class (there were something like 23 people in each of the o/f classes!) I took him down to the outdoor schooling ring behind the East Complex and we worked on some dressage and transitions to try and burn a little energy and also get him listening to me better. He was still a bit less responsive than I would have liked, but was better now that we had some peace and quiet (thankfully we were the only ones in the ring). He's still fuzzy and probably was 1 of 5 horses total at the show who wasn't clipped and got rather sweaty since the weather was exceptionally nice out (near high of 70 in January!) so I took him back to the trailer and rubbed him down with towels and pulled off his tack so he could take a breather for a while before we had to tack back up for the flat class.
The hack was also his first ever flat class. I've never had a reason to enter him in a hack before because we've been doing all eventing and jumpers. Since there were 20 horses in our class they split the hack, thank goodness, into 2 groups. We ended up in the second group. My only real concern in the hack was to keep him from a) thinking it was a race once we started cantering, and b) not allowing him to push through my leg aids and duck out of the ring because through both o/f trips he almost scooted out the gap at least once during each round. He had pretty decent walk-canter transitions considering how up he was, but since he was barely listening to my half halts I kept having to ask stronger and we broke a couple times. That was fine by me because I would much rather he listen to my aids and break gait than the other way around. We blew his canter lead after breaking at one point but by the time I almost had him under control to try a simple change they called for us to trot, bummer. Going to the right he was a little better at the canter simply because I was pushing him as close to the rail and as deep in the corners as I could get him so that he'd have to slow down some. I couldn't care less about him getting any ribbons but I did want him to learn from the experience or otherwise it was a waste to put him through it. He was pretty strung the whole time but when we finished and I gave him some rein he took it and walked calmly along, so I feel like that's at least a bit of improvement. I was so glad to get out of there! It felt like my arms were gonna fall off by the end.
The sweetest thing that happened all day though was this. The boyfriend held Reily for me outside the barn while I ran into the bathroom and when I was washing my hands some woman at the sink sort of did a double take and stared at me real hard (felt really awkward at first because I was like, "oh man, why's she judging me, I'm just trying to wash my hands!") then pointed at me and said, "You just rode in the 2'3" division right?" I shook my head and said yeah, then she was like, "You rode BEAUTIFULLY! He did not look easy and you handled him beautifully! Really!" I was just shocked because for one thing it felt like anything but beautiful and for another I was so flabbergasted that someone was actually watching us and caring enough to remember us. I felt very grateful for her compliment and I told her it was his first time indoors and his first hunter show so it was a little overwhelming since we're really eventers and she just smiled and said, "Well you did a great job with him". What a nice woman! She totally made my day!!
After our classes we took a nice, super long walk around the grounds. I was hoping to walk him around in the coliseum but there was a dog agility meet in there so that was a no go. Instead we walked around past all of the out door rings, up the hill to the dressage arenas and all the way out to the cross country course. The boyfriend decided to go back to the truck and take a nap while Reily and I hacked out across the XC course. I walked and trotted him through the tiny puddle of water that was left in the water jump and we hopped over a few little things out on the course, but nothing serious. He was still bursting with energy so I let him canter back, which turned into a gallop. We walked across the top of the hill and back to the dressage rings and I let him canter some more in one of the big schooling rings. When he finally decided he was done we took a nice, long, meandering walk winding through the barns and parking lots until we got back to the trailer. He was happy to munch his hay while I took care of him but when we went to the barns to hose him off (it had gotten hot by this point) he was a little brat about going in the wash stall. He walked in just fine, was standing there and when I reached through the opening to turn the water on he up and decided to just drag me back out. Then he wouldn't go back in. I don't know what the deal was but it was pretty rude and particularly odd behavior for him. We ended up walking into the adjacent wash stall instead. Once I got him scraped and towel dried we got him loaded up and headed home.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy "Official" Birthday Boys
Regardless, I'm looking forward to Reily's 5th birthday and a year full of fun and exciting new adventures! Happy New Year everyone!!
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