Sunday, January 13, 2013

Pop goes the...splint bone


I turned Reily out in the field when we got back and he was just dandy.  Happy to be back with his buddies and be home.

I went out to feed Scotty and throw out more hay around 6pm and I heard Boo and Reily galloping around in the dark.  It's super muddy out but I didn't think much of it at the time, they run around like that all the time and never really care how slippery or dry it is.

Well when I went out to feed them dinner around 9pm I walked up to Reily and immediately saw a lump on his inside, right fore just above the middle of his cannon bone and my heart sank.  I've never personally dealt with a popped splint before but I know enough about horse care to recognize one when I see it.  I took him out of the field and felt it.  It was warm to hot, felt hard and he was just a little sensitive to palpation.  He hasn't taken a single off-step and it's only between the size of a quarter to a half dollar, so not massive.  I think it's a pretty minor strain but the vet's recommending 3-4 weeks stall rest, then another 2-4 weeks in a small paddock.  Along with that a couple grams of bute the first few days and an application of DMSO/Furizone 2x/day with standing wraps half the day.  The vet said he probaby just slipped in the mud and over extended just a little bit and that's likely what caused it.

He's never going to make it for 4 weeks in a stall, so we'll see how this goes.  But he'll be off riding for about 2 months :'(

This sucks.

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