Monday, January 21, 2013

The fire breathing dragon

It's been just over 1 week on stall rest and Reily has turned into a total fire breathing dragon.  I'm ready to kill him.  He paces, he's crapped in his water more than once, he screams, he refuses to stand still while I'm trying to cold hose and half the time he almost knees me in the head while I'm trying to put on the DMSO and/or wraps.  Honestly, without turnout, I have no idea how they even contained him when he was at the track!

Sunday night when I got home from the BREA Annual Awards Banquet (where Reily got a 3rd, well done you big butt head) I decided to create a little tiny paddock for him the same as I did for Napoleon when he was finally allowed to get turned out.  I thought it might keep him calm and make him more happy to graze right across the fence from him buddies rather than have to go straight back in the stall afterwards.  So we get done hosing his leg (during which time he turned over the wheelbarrow and dumped the hay in the water, asshole) I put on the DMSO and turned him out in this tiny paddock.  He immediately went to mowing and was being super quiet and well behaved the whole 10 mins I spent watching him before I would walk away.  Well he was acting trustworthy so I gathered up all the stuff and headed to the tack room to get his standing wraps so I could put them on while he grazed.  I hadn't gotten more than 50 feet from him and behind me I hear running hooves, snapping wire, and then a herd of running horses.  That son of a bitch promptly took off, broke out snapping the T-post in the process and galloped up the driveway with Boo, Scotty and Napoleon in confused pursuit inside the fence.  I've never hated him so much before.

I walked half way up the driveway then waited for him to turn around and come back down because I knew he wouldn't stay that far away from all the other horses for long and they were all too lazy to go much farther than the corner gate.  Usually standing in their path, yelling, and waving my arms is enough to remind them that the longer they act retarded the more trouble they'll be in.  Nope, this little bastard just kept on coming and would have plowed me down if I hadn't jumped out of the way at the last second.  Then he proceeded to gallop back down to the yard and trying to figure out how to get in the field with everyone else he ran through the wire on the other side of the paddock I'd put up and trapped himself inbetween the car port and field.  Haha, you moron, there's only one way out and that was coming straight to me.  Needless to say he got a royal screamfest.  I could have shot him I was so pissed.  After everything I've been doing to try and make sure this thing heals correctly and as quick as possible so he can get back to being turned out like he wants to, this is seriously how you re-pay me?!  I get up at 5am to take care of him before work and spend my entire evening taking care of him after work, I have no life other than treating this right now and this is how he reacts.  I hate horses some times.

And you know what's more ridiculous?  Through all of this, he never took even one lame step.  By last Friday all the heat in the splint was already gone and he was completely none reactive to palpation.  After those excapades there was some heat in both the splint and the tendon in that leg.  Thanks a lot you dumb fuck, way to try and hurt yourself even worse.

I talked to the vet this morning and told her I was either going to have to sedate him or figure something else out because he's getting completely unmanagable.  She agreed that if he's this awful it'd be better to turn him out in a small field with some leg protection and maybe with just Napoleon so he's less encouraged to run.  So all the boys will be in the little field with Reily in the stall until this super cold weather blows through then we'll try and fence off a smaller portion of the field for Reily and Napoleon to spend some time in together.  Ugggghhhhh.

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